Friday, October 23, 2009

Countdown time!

streaminSo, getting East has been a bit more laid back than anticipated. Few evening events, but the days have been spent at the house sans-car and without access to my own laptop (internet poker, streaming movies). Luckily I brought a few dvds.

TShirt arrived! So I have my official running gear locked and loaded!

Recently been doing the herculean task of shifting my sleep schedule back 10 hours in 5 days. Things are on track. I went to bed at 530am on Monday. Then 530 am(EASTERN TIME) on Tuesday, Wednesday was 3am, and yesterday I managed a fairly impressive 1:15am. All of this done with some calculated alarm clocking. I managed to limit my sleep just enough to get me tired earlier without totally depriving myself. Last night was the first 8 hour sleep in awhile and tonight I hope to be in bed before midnight. Jesus, a marathon can really mess a guys night plans up.

SUJAN AND STEPH! They are coming in today?! How awesome is that?! Sujan was manipulated into signing up for the same marathon, but fell prey to circumstance (and perhaps a bit of motivational issues, or perhaps not) could not train in time. He decided to come down anyway and cheer me on with his superawesome lady.

So now, there are rumors of upwards of a whole handful of supporters around. This is crazy, all my other races were done solo. I have sorta gotten used to getting up early, trekking out in the lonely morning, getting to some unfamiliar race, warming up, running, quietly passing the finish line, and then snagging bags of free energy drinks before driving home as my friends wake up.

This will clearly be a bit different. The details of getting to the race are still a bit sketchy. I think I will be doing a lot of walking at the early hours. Walking to my sisters house to meet up with John, then walking to the metro, then walking to the starting line. That I guess will be my warmup. Not sure how everyone plans on meeting up and spectating, but itll get figured out soon enough.

Yesterday, did my sorta final run. I took the dog out and we did a couple miles. Start and stop with Pushkin trying to find places to sniff and excuses not to run. She's a husky? You think shed be excited about a SHORT run. Nope, I dragged her the entire 15 minutes or so. I also sweated up a storm. The air here has managed to replace all the LA smog with water. Humidity. Not bad this time of year, but I was definitely pouring sweat after I stopped. Must make note to drink extra water.

Today I may do a mile. 10 minutes or so. Take Pushkin out. What have you. Also, I gotta go to Brookstone and buy those supernice earbuds for the race. Besides the basic oldschool headphones, these are the only ones that work. And they work, oh so well.

Aight, back to daytime tv. Perhaps throw in a little flick here. Biggest loser is downloading too...

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